Your struggles, needs, and values are unique to you,

and your solutions should be too.

I offer a variety of services, including individual therapy, psychodiagnostic assessments, group therapy and skills groups, as well as corporate workshops.

For adults looking for a greater understanding, support, strategies, and guidance towards solutions for various struggles. Therapy can be provided virtually or in person. 

Individual Psychotherapy

virtual & in-person


You’re ready to be the best version of yourself, crush your goals, and learn what strategies, solutions, and practices work best for you in attaining greater fulfillment in life.

Life Goals & Overall Wellness

individual PSYCHOtherapy

My areas of focus include:

Stress Management

We will work to identify your values and goals, what is or is not working for you in achieving these goals, and identify actionable steps that can move you towards greater peace.

individual PSYCHOtherapy

If your job, relationships, health and wellness are starting to feel too heavy to manage on your own, or if you are experiencing a new change in your life that has been difficult adjusting to, let’s work together to determine specific coping strategies that will work best for you.


Healthy Living

This can be disheartening and feel impossible to overcome, especially on your own. Together we can explore what is most valuable to you and the why that is driving your goals of healthy living.

While keeping our focus on your values, we will also explore the patterns in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and the barriers that get in the way of living congruently with your values. While most of us can achieve some of our goals for short periods, together, we will work to create more sustainable and holistic changes that fit within your lifestyle and align with your values.

individual PSYCHOtherapy

Getting stuck in the cycle of being “on” again and “off” again when it comes to your healthy lifestyle goals such as fitness and weight management? 


Anxiety & Worry

Sometimes, worrying and feeling anxious can be helpful! Other times, it may feel exhausting and defeating. Worrying can make us feel like we are in control and "on top of everything," except that at times, we may feel like more and more energy is required to be 'in control,' which can increase tension, irritability, and fatigue. Together, we can work to identify when the worrying is adaptive and 'worth it' and when it may be interfering with how we would prefer to live and feel. 

individual PSYCHOtherapy

Do you catch yourself having many "What if..." thoughts? Do you struggle with the unknown and prefer to be overly prepared? Sometimes, this can feel exhausting, or it can be hard to stay present at any given moment. Let's explore the helpfulness of the "worried mind" together!

let's connect


You’ve taken a huge first step in looking for help, and I’m here to support you in finding your passion, joy, and interests again. Together we will create small achievable goals towards helping you engage with your life in meaningful and productive ways.

individual PSYCHOtherapy

If you are feeling lost, down, stuck, unmotivated, or unsure of your life’s direction - you’re not alone.

let's connect

Psychodiagnostic Assessments

I offer comprehensive psychodiagnostic assessments to help you identify and better understand your mental health concerns and behaviours (including depression, anxiety, trauma and stress) and how they may impact your day-to-day functioning.

individual ASSESSMENTs

At this time, I do not offer the following types of assessments: cognitive (i.e., memory, attention, concentration), neurodevelopmental (i.e., ADHD, learning disabilities, Autism), psychoeducational (to receive additional support and resources in an academic setting), forensic, medical-legal and/or incidental/accident. 


Additionally, while assessments offer a greater understanding and clarity of your mental health and well-being, they can help determine the best treatments for your needs and concerns. 

Assessments include:
  • a clinical interview (completed over 1-2 longer sessions)
  • standardized measures that provide greater insight into your personality style, relationships, coping, and strengths

Assessments are usually conducted over 2-3 longer sessions.


Please note groups are time-limited (e.g., 5-10 sessions) and will be available later this year. Groups will be offered virtually, although in-person may become available at a later date. 
All interested individuals will first meet with me individually for an intake/interview session to review the goals and expectations of the group and, subsequently, we determine whether group therapy/skills is an effective and appropriate option to meet your needs. 

Group therapy allows individuals with similar concerns to learn from, and support, one another through the professional facilitation and expertise of a psychologist.

Group Therapy



Please note groups are time-limited (e.g., 5-10 sessions) and will be available later this year. Groups will be offered virtually, although in-person may become available at a later date. 
All interested individuals will first meet with me individually for an intake/interview session to review the goals and expectations of the group and, subsequently, we determine whether group therapy/skills is an effective and appropriate option to meet your needs. 

Skills Group focuses on providing individuals with education and information on particular topics (e.g., sleep, stress management, well-being, effective goal setting and behaviour changes) with actionable tools and strategies to implement daily.

Skills Group



Workshops can be customized including topics and duration and can be offered virtually.
  • Stress management & resilience in the workplace 
  • Improving sleep
  • Learning to gauge and monitor mental health and well-being, including warning signs.  
  • The importance and value of intentional actions toward holistic well-being

For companies looking to help their team, I can help. Corporate workshops aim to provide education on particular topics, followed by actionable tools and strategies for individuals and workplaces to implement.
Workshop topics may include: 
